For Skeptics – The Simple Truth
About Today’s Chiropractic
Chiropractic Is Different
This difference, because it avoids drugs and surgery, has delighted millions for over a century. And like anything different it has produced misunderstandings and a few skeptics. Here is the simple truth about today’s chiropractic…
“I don’t believe in chiropractic.”
While chiropractic is different, it certainly isn’t something that you have to “believe in” for it to work. Instead, chiropractic results are produced by adhering to scientifically confirmed facts:
- The nervous system controls every cell of your body. Nerve impulses flow from the brain, down the spinal cord, and to every organ and tissue. Impulses sent back to the brain confirm that the body is working as it should.
- The moving bones of the spine can interfere with this exchange by irritating adjacent nerves. Ill health can result from distorted or compromised nervous system control of the body. Chiropractic care helps restore the integrity of the nervous system by reducing interferences caused by the spine.
“If you start, do you have to go for the rest of your life?”
How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you. Since many spinal problems get started from traumatic births, accidents, or other long-standing problems, permanent correction can be difficult. Years of muscle damage, scar tissue, and ligamental instability can set the stage for a relapse. Some patients find a program of supportive care (like regularly brushing your teeth) to be helpful. After enjoying initial relief, many patients choose to continue with periodic checkups. Decide for yourself whether you want Initial Intensive Care for temporary relief, Rehabilitative Care to stabilize and strengthen the spine, or Wellness Care for non-symptomatic elective care.
“Aren’t chiropractic results just a ‘Placebo Effect’?”
This is a convenient claim made by critics who have chosen to overlook convincing proof to the contrary. The placebo effect depends on the power of suggestion. Yet chiropractic results have been enjoyed by newborns, infants, pets that have been hit by cars, and others for whom the power of suggestion isn’t possible! Plus, there are alterations to a patient’s spine from chiropractic care. Many see dramatic changes when they compare X-ray views taken before and after a period of care. Other tests show improved range of motion and flexibility. There’s no question that the power of suggestion can be an important ally in the healing process. However, it can’t begin to explain the millions of patients who have been helped with chiropractic care.
“I’ve heard chiropractic wears out your joints”
Chiropractic care can help prevent joints from wearing out! Bones don’t “rub” on each other. Instead, each joint is enclosed in a “capsule” of fluid that should offer a lifetime of friction free movement. When there is a loss of proper motion or position of spinal bones, this movement can be restricted. Spinal joints above or below attempt to make up the difference by moving too much. Obviously, areas of too much movement are left to stabilize during the healing process. Instead, chiropractic spinal adjustments are directed only to those areas that are “stuck” and not moving enough.
“Is chiropractic care safe?”
Critics mislead by suggesting that adjustments to the neck can subject patients to unnatural stress or compromise blood supply to the brain. But if the spine were that fragile, people would fear bending over to tie their shoe laces or looking up to enjoy an evening sunset! Thousands will die this year from anesthesia or needless back surgeries. Thousands more will perish from common aspirin or destroy their kidneys from so-called “safe” pain medicines. Adverse reactions to prescription medication are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Meanwhile, the rare complications from chiropractic care can by counted on one hand!
Chiropractic doesn’t add anything. And chiropractic dosen’t take anything away. It honors the wisdom of your body and your inborm potential to be healthy. It is this difference that has helped millions and produced high levels of patient satisfaction. Ask questions. Discover the simple truth about today’s contemporary chiropractic care. And then make the natural choice.
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